
September 14, 2024

Don’t overcomplicate things, Taurus. As your ruler, aesthetic Venus, in your discerning sixth house dovetails with wise Jupiter in your back-to-basics second house today, your motto for the weekend should be: Keep it simple. One gorgeous dahlia in a lovely glass can be just as exquisite as a big bouquet in a vase. And a sweet sentence can express as much emotion as a lengthy monologue. In romance, you’ll want everything to be articulated and you’re craving commitment. That goes double on Sunday when the Aquarius moon will be in the mix, forming a Grand Air Trine. Take the initiative and broach the subject of where your union is headed. If your need to define the relationship causes someone to balk, that could be a yellow—or even a red—flag. Maybe your paths in life are diverging, and you don’t share compatible goals. At least you’re no longer in the dark.